Swiping & Growing: Our Most Expansive Year Yet
“Higher education is about opportunity, prosperity, social ascent and social justice. It’s transformative for students and their communities.”
– California State University Chancellor Timothy White
As a supporter of Swipe Out Hunger, you know the value a higher education degree carries with it. The potential of a diploma is what drives our organization to make college more accessible for all by establishing anti-hunger programs on campus. A warm, nourishing meal can make a huge difference in a student’s academic performance, health and wellness, and sense of inclusivity on campus. Since that report, higher education has continued to recognize food insecurity as a barrier to college completion. And many colleges decided to do something about it– by joining our movement. This #NationalHigherEducationDay, we celebrate our exponential growth in the 2018 – 2019 academic school year:
– We grew our campus network by 82%, growing from 44 to 80 campuses
– We expanded to nine new states, including Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Idaho, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Oregon
This growth was driven by our dedicated campus leaders on-the-ground. There are hundreds of Swipe leaders across the country who have committed themselves to make food accessible for all students. As we close out this school year, we look forward to sharing about the impact of Swipe Out Hunger’s programs in our 2019 Impact Report later this summer! Stay connected by signing up for our newsletter.

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